"Our journey was completely unplanned from the pregnancy to the spontaneous birth.
I gave birth to our beautiful twins at 24 weeks +1
We had a total of 7 months in hospital from when I gave birth in January to leaving hospital in July finally.
Our Journey was shared between the John Radcliffe and Stoke Mandeville NNU.
We had many complications and the twins went through some major battles, but despite everything they are healthy, happy and thriving.
We wanted to finally give back to SSNAP. This amazing Charity supported me and partner everyday. They were truly amazing and with out their support some days, honestly don't think we would of got through it".
Amy held a quiz night, held in her friends pub; they raised in excess of £2000 for SSNAP - what an incredible achievement! A huge thank you to all of Amy's family and friends.

It was wonderful to see Amy, Joe, India-Rose and Odin this week.