SSNAP Corporate Opportunities Leaflet

We are always looking for new businesses who want to partner with us 

There are so many ways your business or group can support us: 

"Mountney's association with SSNAP has been hugely beneficial.  Not only are we supporting a great local charity but SSNAP's large and loyal following puts us in front of a lot of organisations in and around Oxfordshire."

Organise a fundraising event in your workplace

There are so many great ways to start fundraising, from having a collection for spare change in reception, to organising a team event, such as a Great Office Bake-Off or Games Night to encourage a little friendly competition to even winning a day off work! Alternatively, some workplaces might prefer a coffee and cake morning, or a dress down Friday. 

Charity of the Year 

Working with SSNAP as your Charity of the Year can help to increase engagement with fundraising. We can come to your office, talk to your team about the work that we do, provide collateral for events and support your organisation with their fundraising efforts. 

Enter a team in a sporting challenge

There are so many exciting group events and competitions that companies can enter one, or multiple teams in to, such as half marathons, mountain hikes and bike rides. Entering a team event can help to relieve pressures that an individual might feel about fundraising alone, while helping to build team spirit, moral and culture within the workplace. 

Matched giving

Many companies will generously offer to match any charitable activities, which can make a big difference to the effectiveness of any fundraising undertaken. 

Give as you earn

Payroll giving is an easy, tax effective way to make a regular contribution to SSNAP, with the amount deducted from your pre-tax pay. Please contact your HR Manager to see if your company has signed up to a payroll giving scheme, and to find out more information. 

"SSNAP  are also very proactive with getting their corporate supporters names out to people and supporting the charity is a great way to get your business out to a wide market as well as knowing you are supporting an amazing cause. Plus, the SSNAP ball is always a great evening!!"

Corporate Opportunities with SSNAP

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